Dedicated Server Benefits
For most people, when they first hear the phrase “dedicated server”, it makes them a little nervous because they don’t understand exactly what that is. Don’t worry. It’s nothing complicated. As a matter of fact, let’s take a look at the differences between a shared server and a dedicated server.
A shared server, or shared web hosting, is whenever you purchase a domain and web space that is shared on a server with other accounts and other clients. You will share the overall web space and the overall bandwidth as well. In some cases, this can cause problems because you’re sharing your web hosting with other people and sometimes shared hosting accounts can have problems like web hosting overload, problem codes, and even irritating scripts that others need to use but you don’t. One of the main things to keep in mind with shared servers or shared web hosting is that no matter how good they are or how well supervised they may be, they may not be 100% stable and reliable for you.
A dedicated server is your very own server that is dedicated just to you and your websites. To break it down a little better, on a dedicated server you don’t have to share space and bandwidth, or worry about running software programs and other applications that you don’t really need to use. With a dedicated server, you’re only running the software programs and the applications that you need for your domains. One main advantage of having a dedicated server is that it greatly reduces how much you actually depend upon your web host to resolve any troubles that you may have with a shared server. That’s important because if your web host is slow to take care of any problems that you’re having with your domain or your web hosting, then you may be losing clients and money. With your own dedicated server, you can take care of the vast majority of your own problems as well as any problems any of your clients may be having as well. You don’t have to wait on anyone, you don’t have to wait on hold to get a representative, you don’t have to wait for a trouble ticket to be replied to, and you can take care of the problems yourself because you have direct access to your own dedicated server. This type of reliability can easily pay for itself many times over.
When you are running a website, you want people to know that your website will be there no matter what. You need reliability and dependability in order to be successful. A dedicated server provides this to you and much more. You may think at first it’s too expensive to upgrade to a dedicated server of your own. But a quick look at your website statistics of the number of people that are leaving your site because it takes too long to download, may just show that it is a worthy expense. If your websites are running slow, have a lot of down time, or you can’t seem to get in touch with technical support for problems that you have with your websites, then it may be time for you to go ahead and move over to your very own dedicated server.